Donate to Support Our Work

Sustain our Work

Honor our Home

Invest in Our Longterm Fight

Organizing for systemic change is longterm work, and we rely heavily on community donors to sustain our work for the long haul. Your donations are unlike grant funding, which require significant staff work in application and reporting requirements, must be used up in a given time period, and often carry restrictions in how we spend the funds. 

In addition to supporting our campaign work, community donations have allowed us to grow our organization and the leadership of our community by:

  • Organizing mutual aid projects to engage and recruit community members to our work, including weekly tabling outside 6th District courthouse, the Community Court Debt Fund, longterm participatory defense for community members in the court system, and regular letter writing to incarcerated Rhode Islanders
  • Expanding political education and organizing training for member-leaders, including sending directly impacted people to national conferences and trainings across the country; launching our own Men’s and Women’s and Nonbinary groups focused on gender justice and support for BIPOC, system-impacted people; and expanding our DARE Leadership Institute offerings, which cover systems of oppression and organizing skills. 
  • Hiring three new system-impacted organizers from our membership, two of who are formerly incarcerated.
  • Starting out all staff with a living wage of $25/hour.
  • Developing and recruiting impacted members to join our Board of Directors. 9 of 11 identify as BIPOC and 8 are directly impacted by incarceration and housing insecurity.

Sign up today to sustain our community as a monthly donor!

340 Lockwood has been our organizing home for decades now. It’s a safer place for our community members in crisis – very literally, in that we will not allow the police into our space – and a gathering place filled with love, family, community, and power. We break bread here, strategize weekly around our campaigns, host community events, make art, celebrate birthdays, freedom anniversaries, graduations and other member successes here, grieve and dream together here. 

Despite our best efforts to keep our space clean and beautiful, we are in need of many repairs, including:

  • a new roof 
  • new windows
  • an accessible front entrance
  • an accessible door to the community room
  • updated plumbing in the kitchen and bathrooms
  • accessible toilets
  • water diversion from the front of our building, which is causing leaking and mold

Sponsoring our building is a way to send love to all the folks who inhabit and share our space! We will be recognizing all sponsors on a plaque in our building. 

2023, RI Foundation invested in DARE’s future by creating an endowment fund for us. We do not access these funds in our day-to-day work, but view this as a legacy for the future of DARE. We’ve already been around for 36 years and know our work will only increase as capitalist and climate crisis worsen. 
Would you like to donate to our endowment, or make DARE a benefactor in your will or life insurance policy? Contact our Director Anusha Alles at to learn more, or donate directly to our endowment through RI Foundation. 
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