Ezekial Johnson Jr. has been wrongfully incarcerated in RI Maximum Security since 2018, when he was framed for the murder of a cab driver that took place over ten years ago, in 2007.

There is no legitimate evidence connecting Ezekial to the death. Because he refused to testify against an individual in another case, the Central Falls Police Department, Attorney General James Baum and Forensic Scientist Tamara Wong knowingly presented perjured testimonies and fabricated DNA evidence to convict Ezekial at the grand jury. All witnesses were facing federal charges and had them dropped after testifying against Ezekial. His mother has hundreds of documents demonstrating this.

Ezekial and his mother have been fighting since 2018 to have the prosecutor investigated. Ezekial has an active post-conviction relief motion at the supreme court. 

Contact us to join the fight for Ezekial’s freedom. 

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